
As a graduate you are likely to be eligible for some form of interest-free overdraft for up to 3 years after graduation (see our graduate banking section). However, if you are not eligible for such terms or they have now expired you will find yourself having to look for conventional banking terms. Here are the current most competitive deals for current account overdraft rates. Remember, these rates only apply to the amount of your overdraft limit, if you exceed this amount you are likely to pay a higher rate and bank charges. If you do think you are likely to exceed your overdraft limit ine month speak to your bank - it could save you money.

March 2002

Rank Bank Upper limit of interest-free overdraft Overdraft interest rate (Based on £750 o/d) Contact Details
1 Cahoot £250 4.36% www.cahoot.co.uk
2 Smile 2.75% www.smile.co.uk
3 Alliance & Leicester 3.10% www.alliance-leicester.co.uk
4 Intelligent Finance 3.15% www.if.com

The following graph allows an easy comparison of interest rates:
